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DCLT Buyer Information Session EventBrite Virtual Banner (2160 x 1080 px)

DCLT Virtual Buyer Information Session

You are invited to the DCLT Virtual Buyer Information Session! Join us online on September 24th at 12 PM for an informative presentation about Durham Community Land Trustees and the Homebuyer & Homeowner Initiated Program (HHIP) Down Payment Assistance grant. Learn how we create permanently affordable housing and homeownership opportunities through the land trust model. You’ll have the chance to speak with our staff and lender guests, so bring all your questions. Funding is available, but only for a limited time. You could be our next homeowner!

Attend this session if you are one of the following in the City of Durham:

  • Someone who wants to own a home
  • A professional in real estate with buyers and sellers
  • Someone who manages staff
  • First time homebuyer or haven’t owned in 3 years
  • Someone who could utilize up to $135k in Down Payment Assistance