DCLT is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Contributions and donations to DCLT are charitable contributions and are tax-exempt. If you want to support DCLT through one of the following ways, please email info@dclt.org or call us at (919) 490-0063.
Are you an Individual or business who can contribute financially to DCLT?
Are you a business that could donate 1% of your profits to DCLT as a tax exemption?
Are you a property owner considering selling at below-market value or to DCLT for a tax deduction?
Do you possess building materials you want to donate to DCLT’s construction projects?
Are you planning to bequeath DCLT money, property, or assets?
Would you like to recommend a grant distribution through a donor-advised fund sponsor?
Do you have stock assets you would like to donate to DCLT?